March is all about celebrating women so we're introducing you to some of the amazing women at the heart of FFS!
With an 80% female-strong workforce, FFS is leading the way in female empowerment. Ready to meet some of the amazing women of FFS?
Liz - Managing Director

• Tell us a little bit about you:
I’ve been at FFS for over 5 years, I started as the sole finance person, worked my way to Finance Director and then made the Managing Director in January 2021. What I enjoy most about my job is the variety and no two days being the same, whilst working with an amazing team! In my spare time, I really enjoy running as I find it gives me peace and space to think; last year I completed a 48km Ultra and I'm hoping to do the 100km Ultra this year!
• What do you love about being a woman in business?
I believe it's important to have a diverse workforce, including management levels, ensuring women are part of the decision making to bring a different view point and experience to the conversation.
• What's your favourite product that we sell?
My favourite product is our razors! As a frequent shaver, it's important to me to use a quality product that doesn't cause irritation.
Sarah - Customer Services Supervisor
• Tell us a little bit about you:
I am the Customer Services Supervisor and been with FFS for 2 years. I love to help our wonderful customers every day!
• What do you love about being a woman in business?
I always feel respected and heard by my colleagues at FFS, and the company has great flexibility and understanding allowing me to pursue my career whilst also being a Mum!
• What's your favourite product that we sell?
My favourite product has to be the blades of course! I've never had a smoother or closer shave.
Leanna - Digital Marketing Coordinator

• Tell us a little bit about you:
I’ve always wanted to work in the beauty industry, so feel extremely lucky to have landed myself such an incredible opportunity for the past 2 years with FFS Beauty as the Digital Marketing Coordinator!
• What do you love about being a woman in business?
I love that since being with FFS, I’ve received ongoing support and guidance to help me grow in my role but also grow as an individual too. This is massively helped by the people I work with every day. We learn, inspire, collaborate, and work well as a team.
• What's your favourite product that we sell?
This is an easy one for me, it’s definitely the Razor Trial Kit! After using disposable razors before I started here, I didn’t realise how much switching to a reusable razor would allow for a closer shave – plus I have my handle engraved (winner!)
Chelsea - Operations Manager

• Tell us a little bit about you:
I’ve been working at FFS for 16 months. I started as an Operations Assistant and worked my way up to the Operations Manager! I'm a Mum of one and love true crime and wine!
• What do you love about being a woman in business?
Finding my feet in a male dominated industry as Operations Manager has had its challenges, but I've put in the work and pushed back the stereotypical boundaries. I love being a Mum but I wanted to do something for myself and build a career. I am proud and show my daughter there is no limit to what we can do. FFS empowers and supports everyone, holding no stereotypes.
• What's your favourite product that we sell?
My favourite product is the handle! I love to have things matching my interior and now I'm not ashamed to have my razor on display in my shower!
Ange - Brand Manager
• Tell us a little bit about you:
I have been a Brand Manager at FFS for over a year and LOVE IT! I have worked in beauty and female dominant environments for the last 12 years and I wouldn't change it.
• What do you love about being a woman in business?
I love that there are no stereotypes at FFS. People often think that female environments are 'catty' or competitive as it would be called in a male dominated environment. Whilst we are competitive in our space, we are all working towards the same goals; we are all working towards the same goals! We are about 80% female and I feel nothing but respect and support from the whole team here!
• What's your favourite product that we sell?
It's hard to choose just one favourite FFS product! But I have to say the Shave Cream. It's the key to the smoothest shave and it leaves your skin feeling Ah-mazing!
Ellie - Marketplace Manager

• Tell us a little bit about you:
I joined FFS 9 months ago as the Marketplace Manager. I've worked in online retail for 6 years now and love the team at FFS! I enjoy working out and going on walks with my dog, Lilly!
• What do you love about being a woman in business?
I love that the women at FFS are each other's biggest supporters; we build one another up and are always happy with each other's achievements! We really do work great as a team.
• What's your favourite product that we sell?
The Rose Gold razor has got to be my favourite product! It is honestly the best razor I've used and it's so pretty! The quality is amazing. I do also love the Hair Towel; it's great for long hair and I've found it makes my hair less frizzy.
Mel - Executive Assistant
• Tell us a little bit about you:
I'm a Mum of 2 and been married for 27 years. I love to dance and have danced all my life including ballet, tap, contemporary, modern dance and now teach Zumba! I love the outdoors, with the peak district being right on my doorstep. I spend a lot of time walking the dog and enjoying the countryside!
• What do you love about being a woman in business?
I love being a woman in business, especially with FFS! I've worked in male dominated businesses in the past and working at FFS has finally enabled me to learn, which I love! I feel empowered with information and that my opinion counts. I am always learning and not being held back!
• What's your favourite product that we sell?
My favourite product is the Hair Masque - I use it every day!
Ashleigh - Social Media Executive

• Tell us a little bit about you:
I've only recently joined FFS, but so far, it's been the most incredible experience I've ever had in a professional workplace! In my spare time, I'm all about things vintage! I'm a 60's and 70's girl at heart! I love writing and playing music too, as well as being a Micro influencer myself, which really helps my role at FFS!
• What do you love about being a woman in business?
I love that this business is all about growth and support for each other. All anybody wants is to see each other succeed, and that makes me feel so uplifted! I love working with so many caring and nurturing people who really care about one another and would always be there to offer you a shoulder to lean on when you need it!
• What's your favourite product that we sell?
My favourite product is the Natural Deodorant. I think it's such a fun little product, perfect for travel and it smells absolutely unreal!
Adriana - Graphic Designer
• Tell us a little bit about you:
I'm a Mum of 3 children, their ages range between 10, 6 and 4 years old!
• What do you love about being a woman in business?
I've recently joined FFS as the Graphic Designer where I create a lot of the ads, graphics and logos that you see us put out! I love my career as it allows me to be creative. I love that this job allows me to make a living out of my passions in a friendly and comfortable environment!
• What's your favourite product that we sell?
My favourite product is the Hair Masque as it leaves my hair feeling super shiny and soft!